1. Fietsambassade
Fietsambassade is an external independent agency from Gent founded by the higher institutions. If you are a bike and nature lover, welkome in Fiets family!
Here is what you need to know!
Bike with gears
Bike without gears
3 months
6 months
10 months
1 year
One step closer!
- Optional theft insurance for 10 €
- Fix your bike for free: damage caused by normal wear
- Lost Key? => get another one for 10 €
- Bycicle evacuated? =>Byclicle Depot
There you are!
Visit Fietsambassade for more info!
2: Swapfiets
Swapfiets has a classic origin; a group of friends who had a good idea which they tried out, and it turned out be a success. For a fixed monthly fee you will get a Swap bike and they make sure your Swap bike always works.
After a period of refurbishing their own bikes, Swapfiets has come to the point that it has designed its own bike and that the service is available in more and more cities.
The iconic blue front tire mounted on all bicycles. This way it always remains clear which Swapfiets bikes are and who all belong to the family.
Meanwhile, more and more people are discovering the convenience that Swapfiets brings with it.
3. Blue bikes

With Blue-bike you can easily get from a certain location to your final destination and back. Place your Blue-bike card on the card reader, and the bike will be yours until you return it to the starting point. You will love the comfortable city bike, the nationwide coverage and the easy-to-use system. Blue Bike has bike points at stations, where you can rent a bike from a key machine or let an employee help you during opening hours. Afterwards, you have to bring the bike back to the place where you borrowed it. These bikes are easy to recognize in the city, as you can see them riding from many metres away due to their blue color, and convenient basket, as can be seen on the picture above.
4. Trapido-deelfiets

Trapido is Gent's bicycle-sharing system. You rent a Trapido at a competitive price at one of the park-and-rides at the edge of the city, and bring it back after your visit to Gent to the location where you rented the bike. You can recognize these bikes in Gent by their striking looks: compact stylish and green coated bicycles. Users from the age of 16 can borrow these bikes, which can be found at 12 different locations in Gent. Renting a Trapido is relatively simple; you can do this by downloading the app 'smartbikes', or by registering in advance on the site. Afterwards, you'll receive a smartcard, wherefore you'll pay a warranty of 10 euro. Through the app or with the smartcard you can rent a bike and open the bicycle lock.