1: Sports @ HoGent
Hogent offers a varied sports and sports events, that students can benefit from. Campus Schoonmeersen, which is located near Ghent Sint pieters, the main railway station in Ghent even has its own sports hall.
The sports and sport events that can be practiced if you are a student at Hogent are the following (click the links for more information):
The prices and schedules can be found when clicking on the links.
2: Sports @ UGent
In addition to HoGent, UGent also offers a wide range of sports activities in the GUSB and HILO campuses. The sports that UGent offers can be found on the UGent website. Notice that all of these sports can also be practiced for the same price by students of HoGent.
3: Gyms

Students that want to build more muscles and strength or just want stay in shape. students can find multiple great fitness opportunities in and around Ghent. Most of the facilities we are going to list do offer group lessons. First off there are the big fitness chains such as Basic-fit and Oxygen. These are great if the you want to use a membership on multiple locations (for example: at home).

Then there are big gyms such as Jims and Stadium gym. Students that prefer calm but professional gyms, these are the best choices as they are often less known in comparison to the big chains. Lastly there are all the really small gyms, these often have a lower price at the cost of less equipement or a smaller building, a sub-optimal location.
4: Sport events for students
Student Street Soccer
The 13th edition of the Student Street Soccer, organized by the VEK, will start on Wednesday 22nd April 2020. In 2019, no less than 79 teams participated in this two-day street football tournament. In addition to their exciting matches, there is also plenty of entertainment, a large terrace and a fantastic atmosphere. This year there will also be a full women's competition, of which the final will be at 20:00. The big final takes place at 21:00 and after that the party can start.
12-hour run
If you like socialising and practising sport, you could consider joining a team to take part in the 12-hour run hosted by the VEK at Sint-Pietersplein. The VEK is a well known organisation, by and for students, these guys organize a lot of extracurricular activities. Most of them aren’t really sport related, but the 12-hour run combines the best of both worlds. The teams participating in this competition take it very serious and train leading up to the event. The main price is the cup for having the most laps ran but on the side there are also prices for having the best costumes and having the most consumptions of beer. During the 12 hours there are side activities, such as a concert, zumba, aerobics, ... Join us on the 29th of April and have a drink with us.
PS: Bring your running shoes!

5: Challenge Run
The challenge run is an obstacle course being organised by HoGent in collaboration with the final-year physical education students of the school. With this easily accessible and yet challenging running event, HoGent shows itself to be a sporting college that contribute to better health. The goal is to invite and challenge students to a race. In 2019 the competition takes place May 6th, so make sure to apply in time. If you want to participate as a student you have 3 options non-students pay a little more.